La Ancla ••• Ventura, California

somewhere between madmax and ecotopia is la ancla, an urban sustainability project in ventura, california's la avenida neighborhood. we have a 1/5 acre of land five minutes from the ocean, 3 cottages and an intense passion for laughter, nature, and living in harmony with each other and the earth. we believe it is possible to live well in a beautiful place with a small ecological footprint while not isolating ourselves from economic and cultural resources of the city.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

the high fashion world of glamour mulching...

with the dry climate and incessant NW winds here on the coast in alta california, it's a battle keeping the plants moist. following the lead of our lovely neighborhood Ventura Urban Homestead, we're 1/3 of the way through installing a greywater assisted drip irrigation system under a dense lasagna sheet mulch of compost, broccoli/cauliflower leaves, newspaper, cardboard and straw from the friendly folks at the ventura hay company. after hunching over for five hours, i didn't notice this glamour shot until it was too late... high fashion by the brussels sprouts...

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